Welcome to South of England Hickory Golf

Are you bored with the usual Corporate Golf Day, and looking for something different? If so, why not try Hickory Golf!
Hickory Golf represents a bye-gone era of the game, gone is the obsession for length off the Tee, and the art of ball striking comes into its own. You have the unique opportunity to experience playing golf the way it was played for many years using original Hickory Shafted Golf Clubs from before the time that steel was allowed for golf club shafts.
You will use Brassies, Spoons, Mashies and Niblicks - all names synonymous with the rich history of the game of golf, which you will carry in a small leather and canvas "pencil" bag, so no need for electric trolleys, and certainly no need for distance measuring devices! All the clubs have been lovingly restored and regripped.
In today's age of ever forgiving Monster Headed Drivers, Rescue Clubs and Cavity Backed Irons, playing with Hickory Clubs is golf as it used to be played, a reminder of the time when ball striking was an art form.
South of England Hickory Golf gives Golf Clubs or Societies or even a group of friends the chance to discover the pleasure to be had from playing the game with Hickory Clubs. A Hickory Golf Day is perfect for Clubs celebrating a Special Anniversary, or Societies looking for a change to the normal format, and will stay long in the memory of all the players.